Stovetop Pizza

I spotted this recipe from the fabulous "4 Ingredients" team and thought it was a great idea!  It only uses one dish, so there's not much washing up.  Unfortunately the pan I used wasn't the right choice, so mine stuck and kind of fell apart as I was taking it out.  It still tasted amazing (and I was happy I'd taken a photo of it before cooking!) and I'd definitely try it out again with different toppings.  Here, I used salami, red onion, capsicum, herbs, mushroom and low-fat feta - but be creative and work out your own creations!

1 cup self-raising flour
2/3 cup water
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons pizza sauce
100g mozzarella cheese

In a 20cm/8-inched non-stick frying pan, mix together the flour, oil and water with a spatula.

The dough will appear very sticky, simply work it around the bottom of the pan to form a nice dough. 

Spoon the pizza sauce onto the dough and spread to cover. Break the cheese into pieces and sprinkle over, then season with sea salt and pepper. 

Cover with a lid and cook on a medium heat for 10 minutes.

Carefully slide the pizza out onto a board. Let it sit for 2 minutes to cool before cutting it into wedges to serve.